As we all know, fruits are very important to humans for several reasons. They are abundant, and they provide us with vitamins and minerals. Also, fruits contain fiber and nutrients, which help our body to work effectively to balance us out. Besides this, most of the people love to have their fruits in breakfast. So it’s easy to find them everywhere around us, even if you don’t mind buying them at a supermarket. The purpose of this article is to show you how fruits can really save your life.
How Do We Define Health?
Health is generally defined by experts as “a state of complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being that goes beyond mere physical ability and ability to accomplish a particular task” (Pew Research Center). It encompasses more than just being physically fit or having the healthiest overall life. It takes two components from these definitions: it includes our physical health and also covers our mental health. Most people do not live to see the end of another day. A lot of things contribute to your physical wellbeing, but mental wellbeing is equally as important.
The benefits of fruits include: Reducing Your Risk For Heart Disease
Fruits like blueberries can reduce your risk for heart disease. Blueberries contain polyphenols and resveratrol, which can help lower the blood pressure levels and raise insulin sensitivity. This can help prevent heart problems by affecting blood flow to the brain and reducing inflammation. Resveratrol may also play an important role in preventing obesity. Researchers have shown that some vegetables, including cabbage, can potentially improve symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety by reducing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) activity. Foods rich in phytonutrients can decrease inflammation in the body, which can prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and is linked to the reduction of vascular damage of the brain, according to research.
Fruits Can Help Reduce Cholesterol And LDL In You
It seems so obvious, but it actually isn’t. According to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics, fruit consumption could lead to the development of “good cholesterol.” Good cholesterol is good for your heart because it makes it easier for your heart to pump blood to the rest of the body. People who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables tend to get a higher amount of good cholesterol compared to those who do not. Though studies did not have enough data to prove that eating fruits and vegetables reduced bad cholesterol, there’s evidence that it boosts HDL levels as well as lowering the total cholesterol content in the bloodstream. Studies have also found that fruits are particularly beneficial in cases of hypercholesterolemia (increased high cholesterol) and blood pressure.
Control Weight Loss And Improve Digestion
Studies have found that foods high in fiber and low in sugar can affect digestion and weight loss processes. Fiber and water keep you fuller longer than eating higher sugar and food, which can increase weight gain. Additionally, fruits are especially helpful when aiming to lose weight because they are packed with protein and healthy fats. Protein gives you energy which means you feel full for longer periods of time and has fewer feelings of temptation. Water keeps your system running smoothly and helps maintain your skin’s moisture. Studies have also found that fiber and water may suppress the production of certain hormones, as well as regulate metabolism. These factors may improve your digestive health and weight loss process.
Boost Energy Levels
If you get tired easily, fruits provide relief. Some fruits contain niacin and potassium, which are known to increase the body’s natural energy level. Niacin has been shown to increase nerve cells and reduce fatigue. Potassium is often associated with bone strength and can promote muscle growth as well as prevent cramps and muscle spasms. Diets low in fruits and other essential minerals can be very difficult because they result in nutrient deficiencies. But fruits give you extra energy when needed. Studies have determined that fruits have higher amounts of vitamin B6, which can help you stay alert throughout the day and boost energy. One cup of berries contains nearly half of your daily supply of Vitamin B6. Plus, orange juice contains vitamin C, which can provide lightens your skin, brighten your mood, and stimulate wound healing.
Control Asthma Attacks
Asthma attacks happen due to environmental factors such as pollution, allergens, and smoke. Studies found that exposure to air pollutants is linked to asthma attacks, and fruit consumption specifically may improve Asthma symptoms and prevent asthma attacks. Studies also found that an increased intake of nuts and seeds reduces asthma symptoms but can increase wheezing attacks and reduce lung function in children. According to scientists, fiber helps lower asthma symptoms. When compared to the control group, kids who ate fruits had better scores on asthma tests. Furthermore, research has also proven that fruits are effective in treating upper respiratory infections and asthma, according to researchers.
Keep Soothing Headaches At Bay
Headaches are one of the worst experiences that anyone can go through. They hurt, they make you tense up, they can trigger panic attacks, and they can make your whole body shake. There’s no doubt that when your head hurts you can’t focus on anything else. That’s why you need to take care of yourself. Fortunately, fruits will help keep headaches at bay. Fruit consumption is rich in magnesium, which helps hydrate your skin and relieve tension headaches. Studies have also revealed that melatonin — the sleep-promoting hormone — can significantly impact headaches. Eat more nuts, and you might even notice the difference between your life and yours.
Control Your Glaucoma Conditions
For millions of years, people have suffered from glaucomas. Scientists only discovered in the past century that there are two types of conditions, and everyone’s reaction is unique. If left untreated, glaucomas can cause severe headaches, vision changes, and can even lead to death. Thankfully, fruits can help stop this damage in its tracks. Glaucoma patients are often treated with injections. However, most of these treatments have few side effects, which allows them to be used in moderation when needed. Because of the numerous benefits of fruits, studies have found that consuming a diet high in fruits can drastically help alleviate and prevent glaucoma pain. Even though fruits are often high in fat, they have also found ways to cut down on saturated fat and carbohydrate, which can help control blood pressure and reduce eye swelling and discomfort. Protect Yourself Against Coldness Or Flu Seasonal Infections Cold weather and flu season is common occurrence in America. Many adults suffer from seasonal colds and flu, which can leave us unwell and tired all year round. Often times children and young adults make the most miserable experience of winter or flu season. While many people become immune during childhood, it is still possible to develop cold or flu viruses after their first exposure to a cold. Since there’s no cure, it makes sense to protect your body and your family against cold and flu. During flu season, apples and pears are often consumed over ice cream because they contain tons of vitamins A, C, and E. By adding them to your cold drink, they will help fight off flu that’s already inside of your throat. Since these vitamins can be combined during processing, they offer excellent antioxidant quality which can work wonders to combat colds and flu when ingested properly. Packed with fiber and vitamin E, they will also help reduce mucus buildup and congestion, which prevents illness and infection.
In conclusion Fruits are great! They provide us with vitamins and minerals, reduce the risk of heart disease, and even prevent colds and influenza. Each day we eat more fruits, making our diets healthier overall and less restrictive. Just remember that a nutritious diet must include fruits and vegetables for optimal results.